The average house price on ELLESMERE CLOSE is £221,154
The most expensive house in the street is 9 ELLESMERE CLOSE with an estimated value of £286,710
The cheapest house in the street is 12 ELLESMERE CLOSE with an estimated value of £171,119
The house which was most recently sold was 4 ELLESMERE CLOSE, this sold on 22 Feb 2022 for £184,000
The postcode for ELLESMERE CLOSE is SK16 5JQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 116 m2 £283,866 £235,000 21 Aug 2020
4 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £194,388 £184,000 22 Feb 2022
6 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £234,118 £127,500 27 Jul 2009
6 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £234,118 £127,500 27 Jul 2009
7 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 104 m2 £187,932 £112,000 28 Jun 2013
8 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £224,128 £89,950 31 Jan 2003
9 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 117 m2 £286,710 £179,000 30 May 2008
12 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 88 m2 £171,119 £137,500 11 Jan 2019
13 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached £220,828 £120,000 30 Sep 2005
14 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 86 m2 £190,455 £155,000 17 Jan 2020
15 ELLESMERE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 140 m2 £205,038 £120,000 29 Jun 2012